Understanding the Importance of Roadside Brushing: Ensuring Safety and Preserving Infrastructure
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The Township of Lake of Bays conducts annual roadside vegetation control, commonly known as "brushing." While this essential practice may initially seem visually drastic, it serves several crucial purposes for our community's safety and the maintenance of our infrastructure. In response to recurring public inquiries about brushing in our area, and to demonstrate how quickly nature recovers, the Township has created a short informational video to address common questions and concerns.
Why is Brushing Important?
Safety is the primary concern. Brushing significantly improves visibility around corners for drivers, allowing early detection of pedestrians, wildlife, and oncoming vehicles. The practice also reduces the risk of falling branches and/or trees during storms and heavy snow seasons. Additionally, by allowing more sunlight to reach the road surface, brushing helps prevent ice buildup, reduces moisture-related damage, and extends the lifespan of our roads. Cleared areas also provide space for snow storage during plowing operations, ensuring roads remain wide enough for safe passage throughout winter.
One Year Later
While the immediate aftermath of brushing may seem drastic, nature quickly recovers. Within a year, the vegetation regrows, restoring the area's natural beauty while maintaining the benefits of safety and road longevity.
Brushing is a necessary part of our commitment to providing safe and well-maintained roads. For more information about our roadside vegetation control program, please watch our new informational video and visit our dedicated Brushing webpage.