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Public Notice

Emergency Preparedness - Knowing What to Do During Thunderstorms

When building your emergency preparedness plan, remember that thunderstorms can bring high winds, hail, lightning, heavy rain, and sometimes even tornadoes! What should you do if you are caught outside during a thunderstorm?

Seek Shelter: Immediately seek shelter in an enclosed building or a hard-topped vehicle if you see lightning or hear thunder. There is no safe place outside during a thunderstorm.

Stay Away from Tall Objects: If you can't reach a safe location, stay away from tall objects like trees, poles, wires, and fences. Take shelter in a low-lying area.

Wait It Out: Wait 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder before going outside again.

For more safety tips and information on emergency preparedness, visit:

Did you know?

Emergency Preparedness - Thunderstorms
On average, 10 people die each year in Canada and up to 160 are injured during thunderstorms. - Government of Canada

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