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A zoning by-law is a document used to regulate the use of land. It states what land uses are currently permitted in the township and provides detailed information such as:

  • where buildings or structures may be located
  • types of uses and dwellings permitted
  • standards for lot size, parking requirements, building height, side yard setbacks
  • site alteration
  • vegetation removal
  • other provisions necessary to ensure proper development

If you want to use or develop your property in a way that conflicts with the existing by-law, you will have to apply for an amendment. A rezoning, or zoning amendment, can be considered only if your new use or change is allowed by the Official Plan. Some amendments require review by staff, approval by Council, as well as public meetings. Before you apply for a rezoning, you should discuss your proposal with Planning Services.

Current Zoning by-laws

The Township of Lake of Bays By-laws are provided for convenience purposes only. For accurate reference, the original by-laws and individual amendments should be consulted, as there may be site-specific provisions that apply to certain properties.

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