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Sale of Municipal Land

The Township will consider applications from abutting landowners to either purchase or obtain a licence of occupation for municipal shore road allowances and municipal road allowances.

Many waterfront properties have a shore road allowance because Crown surveyors originally reserved a 66 foot wide road allowance around the edges of most Ontario lakes. Many were not opened as roads but are still owned by the municipality.

Waterfront property owners often do not own their lots right up to the water's edge. In many cases, property owners have encroached onto these allowances and occupied them with buildings, structures, landscaping, etc.

Road allowances (66 feet in width) were originally laid out for roads by Crown surveyors. Many were never developed into travelable roads and they remain unopened and in public ownership.

Some property owners have encountered problems with land transfers, mortgages, insurance claims and the settling of estates because their buildings or structures are located on, or partly on, land they do not own. Under the Limitations Act, it is not possible to obtain prescriptive or "squatter's rights" against road allowances, even those that are unopened. 

Purchase the land

Please note: A temporary moratorium is in effect for the Road Allowance Purchasing Program involving private roads or driveways.

Use of municipal land (LOC)

Other municipal land (SDL)

The Township will consider requests for the purchase of land owned by the municipality. Interested parties should submit the below application and a letter to the Clerk outlining the details of the subject property they wish to purchase, and the reasons why.

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